Old New Synagogue (Staronová synagoga)

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Leo P
62 month ago
El sincretismo entre lo viejo y lo moderno, dentro del barrio judío se encuentran las sinagogas, esta de la imagen es la vieja que ahora es un museo, justamente a la vuelta esta la nueva, preciosas.
Оксана К
77 month ago
Самое необычное место. Старая синагога со своей историей, своими правилами. Что-то в ней есть такое интригующее. Смотреть надо обязательно. Внутри дают брошюры на русском с краткой историей синагоги.
78 month ago
While some might be underwhelmed by how empty it is inside, it's incredible to think of how long this shul has stood serving a congregation.
Philip C
81 month ago
Die Altneu-Synagoge oder Altneuschul in der Prager Josefstadt ist die älteste unzerstört erhaltene Synagoge in Europa und einer der frühesten gotischen Bauten Prags; eröffnet 1270!
Fluying ✅
88 month ago
Built in 1270, is one of the oldest working synagogue in Europe. Back in the days it was new, now is the old new (laughs). Check out the legend of the golem who lives in the attic.....nowadays !
Simple Discoveries
90 month ago
The Jewish Quarter of Old Town Prague is centered around here. Neat, simple architecture. Travel tip: to see if you want to spend the money on entrance, 1st check out the postcards in the gift shop.
Concetta M
91 month ago
Una delle più antiche sinagoghe di Europa. L'ho preferita alle altre del percorso
Fabio M
97 month ago
Imperdível. "Lar" do golem. Dica: não pode tirar foto do interior.
Luigi S
115 month ago
The oldest European synagogue still in use. The birthplace of the Golem legend. A must see in Prague, especially if have read Gustav Meyrink.
133 month ago
Se fate il biglietto completo (con incluso gli altri monumenti) ne vale la pena, altrimenti passate oltre. Attenzione che chiude alle 16.30.