Gezondheidscentrum Wassenaar

Medical Center
Dựa trên 4 đánh giá

Đánh giá

Christian P
122 month ago
Bronovo hospital offers full access to all its specialists here. Around 40 doctors have an office on the 2nd floor here. So there is always excellent care close by.
Christian P
122 month ago
Mediq has a pharmacy here that can process prescriptions quickly for you. You can then walk across the street and pick them up, by passing queues there.
Ronald M
124 month ago
The new Wassenaar Health Centre offers a complete range of care from GPs to Geriatric Care. From Bronovo Hospital most medical specialists hold consultations at the Health Centre.
Ronald M
124 month ago
Het nieuwe Gezondheidscentrum Wassenaar levert een compleet zorgaanbod van huisarts tot aan ouderenzorg. Vanuit Bronovo houden de meeste specialisten spreekuur in het Gezondheidscentrum.