San Francisco International Airport BART Station

Metro Station
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60 month ago
Buying a ticket is against any sense of logic. Find your zone, find you price, insert credit card, it will preauthorize $20 purchase. Start deducting $ until you reach your desired price. Get ticket.
77 month ago
The fastest way to go from the airport to San Francisco downtown and Oakland. One-way ticket cost 2018 $9.65 Bonus is the train looks like something from an early Star Trek movie.
Bennett W W
115 month ago
BART Airport Station? Love this idea, definitely genius and it's certainly a lifesaver. I tried it myself and found it a cost effective idea.
Jeffrey-Ryan B
116 month ago
Easiest option for getting into the city if you do not have a person picking you up as a taxi can get quite expensive and this takes you right where Ya wanna be! xx
Jeffrey-Ryan B
128 month ago
Easiest and sometimes the fastest way to get into the heart of the city, take this to Powell Street Station if you need to get to your hotel in Union Square and the cost per BART trip is reasonable
Jeffrey-Ryan B
128 month ago
You can take a taxi, airport shuttle or BART into the city and even to the East Bay and of the three options, the fastest and cost effective is taking BART to your destination in the city or East Bay
131 month ago
There is an outlet for charging your laptop or phone next to the fire extinguisher. Hellz yeah!
Nicole G
136 month ago
If you want a seat, walk as far away from the escalator as possible. A 10 car train runs the full length of the platform.
Matt S
140 month ago
If a waiting train doesn't open the doors right away don't be alarmed. Things move at a casual pace here but you will get on sir bart and hopefully to your destination.
Tantek Ç
147 month ago
Find the camouflaged outlet at the base of the silver fire extinguisher box and use it to recharge your devices while awaiting the train to SF.